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Deleting Packaging

Keep your list of packaging up-to-date and delete packaging you no longer use.

In this article:


Deleting packaging

  1. Navigate to the Packaging page

  2. Hover over the overflow button (with the 3 ellipses) of the desired packaging you'd like to delete

  3. Select Delete

  4. Select Delete to confirm

Deleting packaging on Prophit


Deleting multiple packaging

  1. Navigate to the Packaging page

  2. Select the checkboxes of the desired packaging you'd like to delete

  3. Click the Delete button in the table header

  4. Select Delete to confirm

Deleting multiple packaging on Prophit

Note: Deleting packages that are connected to products will not make the proper update to those products. Make sure you update all products that were previously connected to the deleted packaging. We are working to make this process automated.

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