Adding a Recipe
The recipe is the foundation of your product. Understanding the cost of your recipe's components and assembly process is key to manufacturing profitable goods.
Recipe: List of ingredients and ingredient volume
Assembly: The process of producing your recipe + items + packaging (equals product)
This article will show you how to add recipes to your database that you'll use to connect to your products.
In this article:
Add your recipe name and ingredients
To add a new recipe, hover over Assembly in the side navigation bar and select Recipes
On the Recipes page, click on the New Recipe button
Enter in your recipes's name
In the Recipe box, use the dropdown field under Ingredient to select an ingredient from your database. Click here to learn how to add ingredients.
Enter the volume of units in your recipe
Select your unit of measurement
Optional. Add your recipe's percent waste in the Waste field

Tip: Take advantage of your recipes percent waste. Prophit allows you to account for the loss of your recipe's volume (due to spills, stickiness, etc) in order to calculate a more accurate recipe cost.
Note: To delete an ingredient from your recipe, hover over the desired ingredient and click the red trash icon.

Add tasks and the time required to assemble your recipe
In the Assembly box, enter each task required to assemble your recipe under the Task column
Enter the time it takes per tasks under the Task Time column. Time format is in hours, minutes, seconds (hh:mm:ss)
Note: Recipe assembly does NOT include the steps required after the recipe has been made. For example, if you make a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough, the time it takes to scoop and roll each piece will not be recorded here. That time will be recorded on the Items page. Click here to learn more about items.

Tip: One recipe can be connected to multiple products. This makes it easy to update the cost and profit for an unlimited number of products.
Tip: Recording the time for each task multiple times, and using the average will help you get a more accurate number for your true production time.
Tip: Make your tasks as descriptive as possible. It will make handing-off production to a new team member that much easier.
Saving your recipe
Once you have entered all of your recipes's information, make sure to click the Save button at the top-right. Once saved, your recipe will display on the Recipes page.