Adding an Ingredient
To build your path toward profitability, you must first understand the costs of your raw materials. Prophit allows you to track the cost of ingredients and materials.
Ingredients: Components of the product itself (typically edible components)
Materials: Components outside of the product (typically packaging materials)
This article will show you how to add ingredients to your database that you use in creating your recipes and products.
In this article:
Add ingredient name, supplier, and brand
To add a new ingredient, click Resources in the side navigation bar and select Ingredients
On the Ingredients page, click on the New Ingredient button
Enter in your ingredient's name
Select your ingredient's supplier in the dropdown
Enter in the name of your ingredient's brand
Enter in your ingredient's SKU or item # if applicable
Add ingredient image
Hover over the image box and click Upload Image
Browse your local computer's drive to find your desired ingredient image and select it
Adding ingredient's unit measurement and unit price
In the Unit of Measurement box, select your Package Type. Depending on your selection, you may have to enter in the number of units per case, and/or the number of cases per pallet.
In the Quantity Per Unit field, enter in the quantity of a single unit. For example, if you purchase a 454 gram bag of flour from your supplier, you want to enter 454 into this field.
Next, select your Measuring Unit from the dropdown.
Optional. Enter in the percentage of your ingredient's waste in the % Waste field.
In the Purchase Price box, add your ingredient's price, and sales tax and/or additional fees (if necessary)
Note: Total Adjusted Quantity will reflect your ingredients total quantity minus the percent of waste.
Tip: Take advantage of % Waste. If you've used a jar of peanut butter you know that it's almost impossible to remove every scoop of peanut butter from the jar. Prophit allows you to account for this loss of ingredients, in order to calculate a more accurate ingredient cost.
Entering your ingredient's inventory count
In the Inventory fields, enter your ingredient's stock.
Tip: Tracking your inventory will come in handy once you jump into adding orders for fulfillment – saving you countless time in managing inventory for ingredients and materials.
Adding an ingredient description
In the Additional Info box, add a detailed description of your ingredient.
Tip: The more descriptive you get about your ingredient, the easier it will be to entrust others with managing your inventory, and purchasing the raw materials needed to manufacture your products, as your business continues to grow.
Saving your ingredient
Once you have entered all of your new ingredient's information, make sure to click the Save button at the top-right. Once saved, your ingredient will display on your Ingredients page.